Saturday, July 27, 2013

Breadth Of Light

The God of gods, the Lord,
  has spoken and summoned the earth,
from the rising of the sun to its setting.
                Out of Zion’s perfect beauty he shines.                                      
                                                    Psalm 49:1-2

                                                                                                     Google Images

 I just felt a breath of you, 
No more,
Or less,
And it buckled me 
To my knees.

For who can stand within 
Even a narrow swathe of your love
And peace
And not have their bones become
Dust and their
Heart fire?

For who can remain
The same
 And not break open,
Entering your breadth of light 
As a fleck 
Of fleeting light?


  1. Cindy, I want to mention how fitting your photographs are, and lovely. I can see the time and effort you put into choosing just the right ones. These last two are so nice. And how different is this last poem? An obvious prayer and conversation with God -- I wonder how this piece came into being...can't wait to hear!

  2. Thanks Amy! I have fun with the images and really don't spend more than 5 min finding them or downloading my photos. I just know what I have in mind and presto there it is! Yes these last two poems are different and I will return to them as they are, as most all the others, first drafts. In a different neck of the woods for now and exploring...

  3. Yes, I know this, what this poem depicts, what for me had been indescribable. Your words are truth and beauty.

  4. Thank you Anne for your beautiful response. And this is only a glimpse, can't imagine the rest of Him! What breathtaking love...
