Monday, December 10, 2012

Be Ready

2nd Sunday of Advent

God will very rightly reward you, who are suffering now, with the same peace as he will give us, when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven with the angels of his power, when he comes to be glorified among his saints and seen in his glory by all who believe in him.
                                                                   2 Thessalonians 1:6-10

This goes out to all those with loved ones who need turning over to the Lord, whether for healing or for saving or for long suffering. This time of year can be especially frightening and full of pain for many who are struggling with life tragedies or loss or monetary troubles or illness or loneliness.  We know the list.  We know in our bones what life throws at us.  But as believers in Jesus Christ we do not hold onto our fear and pain and grief.  We have been given the keys to the throne room.  We have been given admittance by amazing grace to walk into that place of glory, carrying in our arms our loved ones or whatever baggage of pain or trouble and give them to the Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary and all the Saints and Angels around God's high seat to do with as He wills.   

When we are bold enough in our faith to walk into the throne room and lay them on the Lord's lap, being the wretched, motley beggars that we are, when we lay our brokenness, and we are all grievously broken at the feet of our Lord, we can give thanks and praise for the miracle and grace of His Love for us and His workings in our lives. And we are taught to give thanks and praise and believe in the miracle of God's will.  Where else could we turn with our life struggles that would be better?  Where else can we leave our loved ones, our sickness, our brokenness, our hearts that are becoming shards in our chest?  

Be ready to enter the kingdom.  Each Mass we prepare ourselves to receive Jesus, to be ready for the grace He gives.  We shuffle up in our rags and blackness and hold out our hands and open our lips but the power we are taking into the inner most part of our being is a radical and terrifying power that comes gently and quietly.  I could fall before Him but I keep moving, I cross myself, I keep praying and fill with the gift that has been falling through me all the time and before time. 

We participate in this creation and gift of Love each Mass. I try to ready myself but there is only so much a creature can do in her botched up ways but beg for mercy

Please offer up your suffering and those suffering to our merciful Lord and give thanks and praise, for nothing is impossible with God if only we of little faith could see and believe.  Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. It may not turn out as we want but our loved ones and ourselves are in the arms of Our Lord to do as He wills and that is peace that surpasses all understanding.

The Lord is my shepherd: I shall lack nothing.
He has taken me to green pastures,
  he has led me to still waters;
  he has healed my spirit.
He has led me along right paths

  for his own name’s sake.
Even if I walk in the valley of the shadow of death,
  I shall fear no evil, for you are with me:
  your rod and your staff give me comfort.

                                                             Psalm 22


  1. I find it such a blessing to be able to offer up sufferings. God has given us a truly positive thing to do with something that we initially see as negative. Thank you for another beautiful post.

  2. Thank You Nancy....Yes, Amen for offering up All we have and are to God.
